Gleann Dá Loch - Glendalough - Co. Wicklow - Ireland

© photo : Mathieu Morverand

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Glendalough Mines
Mining in Glendalough dates back to the 1790’s where lead, zinc and silver were mined both in the Glendalough Valley and the next adjacent Valley, Glendasan. Mining in this area took place for over 150 years and at the peak of production 2,000 miners were employed. Mining continued up until 1957.

Mines de Glendalough
L'exploitation minière dans Glendalough a commencé en 1790. Le plomb, le zinc et l'argent y étaient extraits dans la vallée de Glendalough et la vallée adjacente de Glendasan. L'exploitation minière a duré plus de 150 ans avec à l'apogée plus de 2000 mineurs. Les mines ont fermé en 1957.