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Dún Eochla - Oghill old Lighthouse

Aran Islands - Oileáin Árann - Inishmore - Inis Mór - Co. Galway - Ireland

Dún Eochla is a 2-walled fort with a hut built inside. Its inner walls are 5m high and 3m thick, and was built between 550 AD and 800 AD. The Dún Eochla fort is located at the highest point on Inishmore, near the old lighthouse. On a clear day from this fort, one can see both the Connemara Mountains to the north and the Cliffs of Moher to the southeast. The fort is easily accessed from the main road. Nearby are the remains of an early nineteenth century Light House (see below).
Dún Eochla est un fort à double mur abritant une petite construction à l'intérieur. Ses murs mesurent 5m de haut pour 3 m d'épaisseur. Le fort aurait été construit entre 550 et 800 avant JC et se situe au point le plus élevé sur Inishmore. Par temps clair depuis ce fort, on peut voir à la fois les montagnes du Connemara au nord et les falaises de Moher au sud-est. L'édifice est facilement accessible depuis la route principale. Tout près, se trouve le vieux phare d'Inishmore (voir ci-dessous).

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Dún Eochla access

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Dún Eochla Fort

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from kilronan 1 from kilronan 2 from lighthouse 1 from lighthouse 2 from lighthouse 3 from lighthouse 4 from lighthouse 5 from lighthouse 6 from lighthouse 7
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from east 1 from east 2 from east 3 from east 4 from east 5 from east 6 from east 7 from east 8
aranduneochlafromne aranduneochlafromnorth1 aranduneochlafromnorth2 aranduneochlafromnorth3 aranduneochlafromnorth4 aranduneochlafromnorth5 aranduneochlafromnorth6
from ne from north 1 from north 2 from north 3 from north 4 from north 5 from north 6
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from north 7 from north 8 from nw1 from nw2 from nw3 from se1 from se2
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from south 1 from south 2 from south 3 from south 4 from south 5 from south 6 from south 7
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from w1 from w2 from w3 from w4 from w5 from w6 from w7

Dún Eochla Fort - inside

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Dún Eochla Fort - around

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stone trough 1 stone trough 2 wedge tomb 5 wedge tomb 2 wedge tomb 3 wedge tomb 4 wedge tomb 5 rom dun eochla 1 from dun eochla 2 rom dun eochla 3

Oghill Fort - Aran Old Lighthouse

At the highest point of the Inishmore island is the island’s first lighthouse. Built in 1818, it only operated until 1857. Unfortunately it was positioned too high over 400 feet above sea level, and more often than not was shrouded in cloud or mist. Also it did not cover the North and South entrances to Galway Bay. This old lighthouse was replaced in 1857 by lights on Eeragh and Inisheer islands. The lighthouse is one of the dominant landmarks of Aran Islands. The tower is now abandoned despite restoration projects. To the west is the old signal tower built in 1799 after the 1789 rebellion to protect Ireland's west coast from Spanish or French invasion. Similar building can be seen on Golam Island.
Au point culminant de l'île se trouve le premier phare des îles d'Aran. Construit en 1818, il n'a fonctionné que jusqu'en 1857 car sa position trop élevée (122m) le rendait inefficace par mauvaise visibilité. En outre, il ne couvrait pas les approches nord et sud de la baie de Galway. Ce phare fut donc remplacé en 1857 par des feux sur les îles d'Eeragh et de Inisheer. Le phare est l'un des édifices les plus visibles de l'île. La tour est aujourd'hui à l'abandon malgré des projets de restauration. A l'ouest, se trouve la vieille tour de signal, construite en 1799, après la rébellion de 1789 pour protéger la côte ouest de l'Irlande de l'invasion espagnole ou française. Une tour semblable peut être vue sur l'île de Golam.
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from east 01 from east 02 from east 03 from east 04 from east 05 2nd towers f1st tower 1 f1st tower 2 f1st tower 3
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from east 06 from se 1 from se 2 from south 1 access 1 access 2 access 3 access 4 wall
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1st tower in 1 1st tower in 2 1st tower in 3 1st tower in 4 1st tower in 5 1st tower in 4 1st tower in 6 1st tower in 7 1st tower in 8 1st tower in 9
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1st tower top 1 1st tower top 2 1st tower top 3 top view 1 top view 2 top view 3 top view 4 top view 5 top view 6 top view 7
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2nd tower 1 2nd tower 2 2nd tower 3/FONT> 2nd tower 4 2nd tower 4 2nd tower 4 2nd tower 5 2nd tower 6

© copyright : Mathieu Morverand