mythology atributes the creation of the Causeway to an Irish Giant named
Finn MacCool. To prove his superior strengh and status, Finn decided to
fight against a rival Scottish giant named Benandonner. As there was no
boat large enough to carry huge Finn acrross the sea to confront
Benadonner, he built his own pathway of stepping stones from Ireland to
Scotland. He then was able to walk across the sea without getting his
feet wet. |
légendes populaires attribuent la création de la Chaussée des Géants
à un géant irlandais nommé Finn MacCool. Afin d'affirmer sa
supériorité et renforcer son statut dominant, Finn décida d'aller
combattre un rival écossais, le géant Benandonner. Comme il ne
disposait pas de bateau assez grand pour le transporter sur la mer, il
construisit cette chaussée de pierres pavées de l'Irlande jusqu'en
Ecosse afin de traverser sans se mouiller les pieds. |