Northern Ireland - Co. Antrim - Benbane Head Cliffs - Port-na-Spaniagh

© photo : Mathieu Morverand

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The wreck site of the Armada gallesass "Gerona" in Port-na-Spaniagh, below the isolated columns known as the "Chimneys", is of considerable cultural importance. The sub-littoral area is a protected nautical archaeological site, and the treasures and other Armada artifacts recovered between 1967 and 1969 are conserved in the Ulster Museum, Belfast.

Le site de l'épave du galion "Gerona" dans l'anse de Port-na-Spaniagh, sous le pilier balsaltique de Chimneys , est d'un grand intérêt culturel. La zone est protégée et tout ce qui y a été retrouvé entre 1967 et 1969 est conservé au Musée de Belfast.